This course highlights the energy modeling requirements for Seattle and Washington State 2018 energy code compliance as well as ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G – the new modeling standard. Seattle and Washington specific compliance tools have been developed by the DOE to help designers and reviewers apply the new standard. A brief demo of these tools will be provided to demonstrate the functionality and value of these resources. (We will not be teaching how to do energy modeling or how to use Appendix G.)

Learning objectives

At the conclusion of this seminar, participants should be able to:

  • Understand and apply the 2018 WSEC and SEC specific energy code requirements at a high level.
  • Understand and apply the C407 modeling pathway, and the new standard ASHRAE 90.1 - Appendix G at a high level.
  • Know what to expect for compliance tool workflow and functionality with the DOE Appendix G Compliance Tool
  • Understand the benefits of using the compliance tool and how it can positively impact both building design and the energy code permit process.


john_kearns_mckinstry.pngJohn Kearns, CEM | McKinstry

John Kearns is a member of McKinstry's new construction building performance team, focused on whole building energy analysis, and has helped support Washington and Seattle TBP and TPP project submissions. Prior to joining the new construction group, John worked in McKinstry's existing building energy retrofit team analyzing utility bill data, developing energy conservation measures, and completing measurement and verification reports. 


DJ smile.pngDuane Jonlin, FAIA, Energy Code Advisor | Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections

Duane Jonlin manages development of the Seattle Energy Code and serves on the Technical Advisory Group for the Washington State Energy Code. At the national level he is a member of the ASHRAE 90.1 standard committee and Chair of the IECC Commercial Code Consensus Committee. Prior to taking his position with the City of Seattle, Duane was a principal at NBBJ, with 30 years’ experience designing complex projects as a technical architect. He is a fellow of the American Institute of Architects and is a featured speaker nationally on issues of energy efficiency and energy regulations.