Best Practices for Navigating City Light’s Incentive Processes
Thu, Sep 12 | 10am-11am | FREE

This training will break down the requirements, steps, best practices, tips and tricks to better understand the funding process for a smoother navigation of our incentive programs. We strive to provide a great customer experience throughout our incentive process journey; the more we work together, the more efficient our process will be!

Act Now - Last Chance on City Light Incentives Sunsetting at Year End!
Tue, Sep 17 | 10:30am-noon | FREE

Program Managers from City Light's Customer Energy Solutions division will describe upcoming deadlines for submitting projects under the current 2024 incentive rates. You will understand the rationale for why things are changing and get a sneak peak of what’s next in 2025.

Net Zero with Mike Dieterich - In-person option!
Thu, Oct 10 | 10am-11:30am | FREE

The presentation will cover net zero in three phases. Phase 1: Zero Energy Design, for buildings with a bit of zero carbon; Phase 2: Corporate Zero Energy Planning and Roadmapping; Phase 3: Zero Energy and Carbon Applications in Districts like schools or municipalities and the integration of planning. Each phase will be followed by a Q&A session to dive deeper into the topics.