The new Seattle Energy Code typically does not allow gas or electric resistance space heating for multifamily buildings four stories and taller, with some important exceptions. One exception allows small electric resistance heaters in dwelling units. Learn how your envelope assemblies would have to perform to qualify for that exception. For those planning to install heat pumps, learn how to select mini-split, VRF, double-duct, or other system types based on cost, energy efficiency, and occupant comfort, as well as the new state code requirement for “balanced ventilation.”

You will hear the code requirements and multiple engineering solutions described, with advice and examples from experienced subcontractors and equipment suppliers.

Learning Objectives

Attendees will learn to:

  1. Visualize how various code-compliant heat pump options function
  2. Appropriately apply the electric resistance heating exception
  3. Select an optimal system type: efficiency, façade penetrations, refrigerant type, and space impacts
  4. Design to accommodate cold weather
  5. Understand options for heat pump installations in existing buildings
