215 Communicating the Value Proposition for Networked Lighting Control Systems

Lighting controls offer unparalleled opportunities to save energy and reduce maintenance cycles while improving user satisfaction and productivity.   Proposing and implementing high quality control systems can also help to differentiate contractors, deisgners, and office spaces in a competitive marketplace.  
In spite of these clear benefits, wide scale adoption of well-designed and implemented controls systems has been slowed by perceived complexity, cost, and concerns about call backs. In this class, you will learn effective methods to help sell lighting controls through their value proposition for your next project.
Who Should Attend
This workshop is suitable for utility trade allies as well as lighting practitioners including designers, contractors, building operators, architects, engineers, and sales reps. Some working knowledge of the lighting and construction industries will be necessary to gain the most value from this workshop.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the class, participants will:
Understand common control strategies and hardware
Identify the different customer types
Highlight full spectrum value proposition
Refine a mindful sales approach


This series has concluded. Look for more classes soon.